Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1st Annual Bike Ride for Breast Cancer

'Bike Ride for Breast Cancer' is this Sunday, October 25th @11am. We'll be meeting behind Arnold House (parking lot) and riding to Northampton via the Norwottuck Trail (~12 miles). All proceed will be donated in full to the American Cancer Society. I hope you can join us!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Graduate Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (GSEB)

As many of you know, GSEB has been officially registered as a UMass Graduate Student Organization. This gives us the opportunity to host a wide variety of events, including guest speakers, social and academic events, fund raisers, etc. In order to get funding from GSO, we need to plan these events 2 to 3 months ahead of time. Please share with us your ideas and help us organize events. Also, for guest speakers, is there a particular person you would like to invite or are there topics you are interested in? Please comment on this post with your suggestions. Thank you!